In our blog you will find news related to trophies and sustainable development, from the union of which Sustain Awards arises.

We live in a very delicate moment in which industry and development is posing a great threat to the environment.

We are living in a very delicate moment in which industry and development is posing a great threat to the environment.

That is why we pay special attention to everything related to its evolution and latest news on sustainable design and manufacturing, putting the focus on new materials and manufacturing processes that prioritize the minimum environmental impact.

Years of service recognition: celebrating milestones in your company

Recognizing employees for their years of service is a fantastic way to show appreciation and build a positive workplace culture. Whether it's 10, 25, 30, or even 50 years of service, celebrating these milestones can boost morale and foster loyalty. This article explores different ways to recognize these significant milestones and offers ideas on how to implement an effective recognition program.

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Employee recognition awards: A guide to appreciating your team

In the corporate world, recognizing and rewarding employees is essential for maintaining high morale and motivation. Employee recognition awards not only show appreciation but also contribute to a positive company culture and enhance productivity. This article explores various types of employee recognition awards and provides insights on how to implement an effective recognition program.

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Creative gift ideas for employees

Gifts for employees are a wonderful way to express appreciation and recognition. Whether as motivation, a thank you or simply to make someone happy - well-chosen gifts strengthen team spirit and promote a positive working atmosphere.

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The best incentives for sales: How to increase your turnover

In a competitive business world, effective incentives are key to increasing sales and attracting customers. Whether through discount promotions, loyalty programs or free samples, the right strategy can make all the difference.

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Creative gift ideas for your work colleague

Gifts are a wonderful way to express appreciation and gratitude. Especially in the work environment, well-chosen gifts can help to improve the working atmosphere and strengthen relationships with colleagues.

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The best gifts for entrepreneurs: creative ideas and tips

Entrepreneurs are constantly looking for innovations and improvements, both in their professional and personal lives. A thoughtful gift can therefore not only express appreciation, but also offer practical benefits.

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Creative ideas for incentives for sales teams: how to increase motivation and sales

There are many creative ways to motivate your sales team beyond traditional cash incentives. By offering public recognition, flexibility, professional development opportunities, team-building activities and personalized benefits, you can create a culture of motivation and engagement that drives your team to achieve more.

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The best gifts for business partners: creative ideas for every occasion

If you want to regularly find the right gifts for your business partners, you need a lot of creativity, empathy and a feel for which gifts will please your own customers and business partners.

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Corporate culture and team loyalty: key strategies for successful teams

A strong company culture and team bonding are key factors in the success of a team. This article explores the importance of a strong company culture, the role of management in fostering team bonding, and the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Here are the key findings:

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How sustainable sporting events promote environmental protection

Sustainable sporting events play an important role in protecting the environment. They help to minimize the environmental impact of sporting events, promote social responsibility and create economic opportunities. This article examines the importance of sustainable sports events, sustainable measures at sports events and the role of the sports industry in promoting sustainability.

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Maximizing innovation rewards in the corporate environment

Innovation rewards play a crucial role in maximizing the innovation potential of companies. They motivate employees to generate and implement innovative ideas and promote a culture of creativity and progress. By implementing innovation rewards, companies can increase their competitiveness and tap into new market opportunities.

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The importance of trophies in the cultural events industry

Trophies play an important role in the world of cultural events. Not only do they have historical significance, but they also serve as symbols and motivational tools. In today's cultural events industry, trophies play an important role in the recognition and appreciation of artists and participants.

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The secrets to choosing the employee of the month

The Employee of the Month award is an important recognition of outstanding performance and commitment in the workplace. It is a program designed to motivate employees to give their best and improve their performance. This article discusses the importance of Employee of the Month, the criteria for selection and the implementation of such a program.

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Ideas for fun awards in the company

Generate a good work environment and recognize the work of employees. We give you ideas for fun awards in the company.

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Retirement Wishes You'll Always Remember

The best retirement wishes are those received with gratitude by the honoree, regardless of the tone of the words chosen.

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